The 7 major chakras and how color affects them:
This chakra, known as the Base or Root Chakra has to do with our bodily reality and energy. The Base Chakra deals with the quality of our physical energy and our desire to live powerfully within our own physical reality. When your first major chakra is balanced, you’ll feel aligned with your physical energy and body, aware of the power in the fact that you exist here and now!
The colors that balance this chakra are red, burgundy, and brown.
The second chakra is also known as the Sacral Chakra. This chakra relates to the energy that flows through our emotions, our reproductive instinct, and our relationships. When this chakra is balanced, you can better feel pleasure, sensuality, enjoyment, and love in your life and in your romantic relationships.
The color that balances this chakra is orange.
This chakra, called the Solar Plexus Chakra, affects our role in society as well as our view of ourselves. When this chakra is balanced, you will be able to maintain stable social relationships of trust and respect for self-integrity, relaxation, and vitality. Your daily life will become a more thoughtful balance of your true desires and emotions.
The color that balances this chakra is yellow.
The fourth chakra is also known as the Heart Chakra. It represents unconditional love, mercy, compassion, openness, and self-acceptance. This chakra connects the three lower chakras of survival and responsibility to reality and the spiritual upper chakras. When this chakra is balanced, you can experience love from others, as well as unconditional compassion, sympathy, feelings of safety, the ability to give generously, and the ability to accept generosity from others.
The colors that balance this chakra are green and pink.
Also known as the Throat Chakra, when this fifth chakra is balanced, it strengthens your ability to communicate, to change, to adapt, and to accept change. It also affects your creativity, credibility, objective judgment, perseverance, patience, and peace of mind.
The color that balances this chakra is blue.
This chakra is also known as the Third Eye Chakra. It affects your thought, mental awareness, and intuition. When this chakra is balanced, your intuition, wisdom, self-awareness, independence, inner strength, peace, unity, and your ability to see beyond superficial appearances are strengthened.
The colors that balance this chakra are dark blue/purple, indigo.
The seventh chakra is also known as the Crown Chakra. It is connected to awareness, knowledge, consciousness, and the connection to the spiritual world. It is also associated with connection to the cosmic consciousness, universal identity, self-knowledge, understanding, telepathy, multidimensional understanding, and spirituality.
The colors that balance this chakra are violet, gold and white.